- Access Control System (ACS)#
Access Control System: Microservices that regulates resource access.
- Audit Trail (AT)#
Trail of events about the access attempts regarding a protected resource.
- Contract Knowledge Graph#
RDF Graph that contains Contracts and Signatures as Semantic Data.
- Contract Management System (CMS)#
Contract Management System: Microservice that manages the contracts and signatures.
- Ecosystem#
Target System for the Custodian: in which the Custodian protects :term:` resources <Resource>`.
- Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm#
Algorithm that is justed by the Custodian to provide digital signatures.
- External Identity Provider#
Identity Provider that already exists in the ecosystem.
- External Knowledge Base#
Semantic Description of the Ecosystem if this exists. This can be referenced in the Contract Knowledge Graph.
Representation of RDF that is compatible with JSON.
- Keycloak#
Authentication System that is currently used by the Custodian, see here.
- Microservice Architecture#
Software architecture style that structures an application as a collection of independent services.
- Mongo Database#
Document oriented NoSQL database.
- OpenID Connect#
Protocol for Authentication, see here.
- Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)#
Counterpart to the Policy Decision Point in the ecosystem, that enforces, what the Policy Decision Point decides.
- Policy Decision Point (PDP)#
Central part of the Access Control System that makes the decision whether to grant access to a protected resource.
- Rabbit Message Queue#
RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) <>.
- Resource#
Resource to protect by the Custodian: this can be a dataset or a service or a docker container. What it is depends on the ecosystem.
- Resource Owner#
user in the ecosystem who owns a protected resource and who will then have access to the :term`Audit Trail <Audit Trail (AT)>` of that resource.
- Resource User#
user in the ecosystem who is asking for access to a protected resource.
- Reverse Proxy#
Gateway to the Custodian that receives the API requests and passes them on to the API Endpoints of the Custodian. See here for an explanation of a Reverse Proxy.
- RDF#
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the web, designed to facilitate the merging of data even if the underlying schemas differ. RDF represents information using triples composed of a subject, predicate, and object, forming a graph structure that can be queried and extended. Each entity in the triple is represented as an URI.
Query Language for Semantic Data.
Validation Language for RDF that uses RDF to validate RDF, see here.